Economic Analysis of Increasing Sales Volume Efficiency Through Outsourcing Employee Work at Pt Warna Agung, Bandar Lampung


  • Doddy Universitas Bandar Lampung
  • Tami Rusli Universitas Bandar Lampung


Outsourcing, Outsourced Employees, Legal Protection


Outsourcing, in labor law in Indonesia is defined as contracting out workers and providing labor services. Legal regulations related to outsourcing in Indonesia can be found in Articles 64, 65, and 66 of Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Employment, as well as Decree of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia No.Kep.101/Men/VI/2004 of 2004 which regulates Licensing Procedures for Companies Providing Worker/Labor Services. The research problems include the process of handing over work to outsourced employees at PT Warna Agung in Bandar Lampung, optimizing sales volume through handing over work, and legal protection of the rights of outsourced employees in the company. The research method used involves normative and empirical juridical approaches. Secondary data was obtained through literature study, while primary data was obtained through field studies with observations and interviews. Data analysis was carried out using qualitative analysis methods. The research results show that the process of handing over work to outsourcing employees involves collaboration between PT Warna Agung and PT Bina Cipta Abadi as outsourcing companies. An Employment Agreement is made to contract work to support company operations. Optimizing sales volume by handing over work to outsourced employees is PT Warna Agung's strategy to obtain competent and experienced workers, especially in the marketing sector. Legal protection for the rights of outsourced employees at PT Warna Agung in Bandar Lampung aims to create legal certainty regarding the rights of outsourced employees in order to ensure the fulfillment of their rights. The suggestions given involve more attention from PT Warna Agung towards the welfare of outsourced employees, a good understanding on the part of workers regarding the rights and obligations in outsourcing work agreements, and increased government supervision to prevent violations of the rights of outsourced employees.


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How to Cite

Doddy, & Tami Rusli. (2022). Economic Analysis of Increasing Sales Volume Efficiency Through Outsourcing Employee Work at Pt Warna Agung, Bandar Lampung . Proceeding ICOMLOS, 1(1). Retrieved from