Financing, SIMPLE LAWSUIT, Fiduciary Guarantee, Financing AgreementAbstract
This research paper delves into the critical examination of judicial disparities in the execution of fiduciary guarantees, particularly focusing on the necessity of a court decision with an executorial title for the enforcement of such guarantees. The study highlights the inherent complexities in executing fiduciary decisions, as exemplified by contrasting approaches observed in Indonesian district courts. A significant case in point is the Gunung Sugih District Court's Decision number 04/Pdt.GS/2021/PN GNS, where the judge deemed a panel of judges' decision redundant in implementing a fiduciary decision, considering the Fiduciary Law as equivalent to a judge's ruling. This stance starkly contrasts with practices in several other District Courts, which necessitate a decision from a panel of judges for similar lawsuits.
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