The Influence of Work Environment and Work Motivation on Employee Discipline at the Regional Civil Service Agency of Lampung Province
Employee Discipline, Work Motivation, Work Environment, Public Sector, Organizational EffectivenessAbstract
This study investigates the impact of work motivation and the work environment on employee discipline at the Regional Civil Service Agency (BKD) of Lampung Province. Utilizing a mixed-method approach, the research involved quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to gather comprehensive data from 150 employees and 10 managers. The findings reveal that both work motivation and the work environment significantly influence employee discipline, with motivational strategies having a stronger impact than environmental factors. The analysis also highlights specific aspects of the work environment, such as leadership support and job satisfaction, as crucial for maintaining high levels of discipline. The study concludes that enhancing motivational strategies and optimizing the work environment can substantially improve employee discipline. These insights provide actionable recommendations for BKD Lampung to refine its human resource management practices and enhance overall organizational effectiveness.
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