Economic Impact of Implementing Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 on the Environmental Performance of the Sumber Indah Perkasa Limited Liability Company in South Lampung regency
The Provincial Environmental Service has responsibility for monitoring environmental performance related to industrial activities. This research aims to investigate the implementation of Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 in the mechanism for monitoring environmental management performance by the Lampung Province Environmental Service for the Sumber Indah Perkasa Limited Liability Company in South Lampung Regency, as well as identifying inhibiting factors in its implementation. The research methods used are normative juridical and empirical, with secondary and primary data collection through literature studies and field studies. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively. The research results show that the implementation of Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 in the mechanism for monitoring environmental management performance by the Lampung Province Environmental Service for PT. Sumber Indah Perkasa is not yet optimal. The obstacles involve problems in monitoring the implementation of environmental performance, completeness of documents, and licensing of PT's business activities. Sumber Indah Mighty. Inhibiting factors involve a shortage of supervisory team personnel, limited supervisory budget, and lack of transportation. Research recommendations include increasing the number of personnel and adjusting the workload of the Lampung Province Environmental Service to ensure optimal supervision. Apart from that, it is hoped that the government can increase the budget allocation of funds, considering the operational needs required for routine supervision.
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