Mitigating Post Power Syndrome Among Retiring Police Officers: Challenges, Contributing Factors, and Interventions
Post Power Syndrome (PPS), Retirement Transition, Psychological Challenges, Financial Stability, Pre-Retirement PlanningAbstract
This study investigates Post Power Syndrome (PPS) among retiring members of the Indonesian National Police (Polri), focusing on the psychological and social challenges encountered during the transition to retirement. Utilizing a qualitative research design, data were collected through semi-structured interviews with retiring and retired Polri members, as well as psychologists specializing in retirement and aging. The findings reveal that the abrupt loss of social status and authority, alongside the transition from a structured work environment to a more unstructured lifestyle, significantly impacts retiring officers. Key factors contributing to PPS include financial instability, loss of daily routines, and insufficient pre-retirement planning. The study proposes several interventions to mitigate the effects of PPS, including comprehensive pre-retirement planning programs, fostering supportive community environments, and promoting physical and mental well-being through exercise and mindfulness. These recommendations aim to provide practical solutions for improving the retirement experience and addressing the psychological challenges faced by retiring police officers.
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