Evaluating Public Service Quality at the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation, Lampung Regional Police
Public service quality, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, tangible evidenceAbstract
This study evaluates the quality of public service provided by the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) at the Lampung Regional Police (Polda Lampung). Utilizing a descriptive qualitative approach, data were collected through observations, interviews, and documentation review. The analysis focuses on five key dimensions of service quality: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, tangible evidence, and empathy. Findings indicate that Ditreskrimum officers are committed to delivering reliable services, adhering to standards, and maintaining professionalism, although delays in investigations due to a shortage of investigators present a challenge. Responsiveness is generally effective, with prompt handling of reports and clear communication, though occasional issues arise from reporters' lack of understanding of procedures. The assurance dimension reveals strong public trust fostered by officers' credibility and commitment, despite challenges such as incomplete documentation and remote incident locations. Tangible evidence shows that while facilities and resources are adequate, further improvements, such as additional technological innovations, are needed. Empathy is notably demonstrated through confidentiality and support provided to victims, though increasing investigator numbers could enhance personalized attention. Overall, the study highlights both strengths and areas for improvement in service quality, offering insights for enhancing the effectiveness of Ditreskrimum’s service delivery.
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