User Satisfaction Measurement of Academic Information Systems at STIAB Jinarakkhita Lampung
Employee Quality, Work Discipline, Employee ProductivityAbstract
The rapid advancement of information technology has significantly impacted the education sector, making Academic Information Systems (AIS) essential for managing and disseminating educational information efficiently. This study aims to measure user satisfaction with the Academic Information System (SIAKAD) at STIAB Jinarakkhita Lampung using the End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) model. A quantitative research design was employed, involving 194 students selected through stratified random sampling. Data were collected via a structured questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS software. The results indicate that while all dimensions of the EUCS model collectively influence user satisfaction, Format and Timeliness are the most critical factors. The findings provide valuable insights for improving AIS in higher education institutions, ensuring they meet user expectations and enhance overall satisfaction
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