About the Journal

"Proceeding ICEBFG" is not just a mere collection of academic papers; it is a beacon of knowledge in the dynamic world of economics, business, finance, and governance. As a journal committed to the dissemination of cutting-edge research, it holds several key features and policies that make it an essential resource for a diverse audience.

Open Access Policy: Embracing the spirit of knowledge sharing, the journal operates on an open access model. This ensures that all articles are freely accessible online without any subscription or access fees. By doing so, we aim to foster a greater global exchange of knowledge, allowing researchers, students, and professionals from around the world to benefit from the valuable insights contained within.

Focus and Scope: The journal's focus is broad yet rigorous, covering an array of topics within economics, business, finance, and governance. This includes, but is not limited to, economic theory, financial management, corporate governance, business ethics, and economic policy. We encourage submissions that provide new insights, whether through theoretical development, practical case studies, or empirical research.

Copyright Notice: Authors retain copyright of their work published in the "Proceeding ICEBFG". However, they grant the journal a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher. Articles are typically published under a Creative Commons license that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.

Sponsorship Disclosure: To maintain transparency and academic integrity, all sponsorships and funding sources for research are disclosed in the published articles. The journal is primarily sponsored by Pascasarjana Universitas Bandar Lampung, along with contributions from various academic and corporate entities.

History of the Journal: Since its inception, the "Proceeding ICEBFG" has steadily grown in stature and influence. Originating from a local academic conference, it has blossomed into an internationally recognized journal, attracting submissions and readership from across the globe.

Privacy Statement: The personal information submitted to the journal, whether for publication, review, or conference attendance, is strictly used for the stated purposes of the journal and the conference. We adhere to strict confidentiality and privacy standards to protect the information of our contributors and reviewers.

LOCKSS/CLOCKSS Archival System: To ensure the preservation and perpetual access to our publications, "Proceeding ICEBFG" is part of the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) archival systems. These systems provide libraries and institutions with digital archives to preserve and restore our publications, safeguarding them against loss and ensuring their availability for future generations.