Enhancing Regional Financial Management Information Systems: The Impact of Superior Support, Goal Clarity, and Training
Supervisor Support, Goal Clarity, Training, Regional Financial Management Information SystemsAbstract
This study investigates the impact of supervisor support, goal clarity, and training on the regional financial management information systems in regional apparatus organisations. The research involved a cohort of 40 participants who were responsible for finance, asset management, and budgeting. The data collection process entailed directly delivering questionnaires to employees who were actively involved in regional equipment operations. The hypotheses were tested using quantitative analysis techniques such as multiple linear regression models, t-tests, and r-tests. The results suggest that supervisor support, goal clarity, and training have a substantial positive impact on the implementation of financial management information systems in regional apparatus organisations. This study highlights the need of having supportive frameworks, well-defined goals, and thorough training programmes to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of financial management systems in regional settings.
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