Examining the Impact of Intellectual Capital on Corporate Financial Performance: An Empirical Study of LQ-45 Index Listed Companies (2018-2019)


  • Novita Chirstine Universitas Bandar Lampung
  • Dirma Wati universitas bandar lampung


Intellectual Capital, financial performance, SPSS


The objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of intellectual capital on the financial performance of corporations. The analysis will specifically concentrate on a sample of 45 businesses that are listed in the LQ-45 index during the years 2018 and 2019. The study utilises the SPSS analysis technique to examine the correlation between intellectual capital and financial results. The findings indicate a positive association, suggesting that intellectual capital plays a substantial role in improving a company's financial performance. Intellectual capital, which encompasses intangible assets such as knowledge, expertise, and innovative capabilities, plays a crucial role in determining a company's financial performance. This study employs SPSS analysis to clarify the degree to which investments in intellectual capital result in measurable financial benefits. The research examines data from LQ-45 listed firms for a duration of two years, providing insights into the intricate relationship between intellectual capital and profitability measures. The presence of a positive effect emphasises the crucial significance of fostering and utilising intellectual capital within organisations. In order to maintain financial viability and promote long-term growth, firms must acknowledge and optimise the worth of intangible assets as they navigate more competitive environments. This study enhances the academic comprehension of the importance of intellectual capital and provides practical guidance for managers to make decisions that maximise financial performance in modern markets.


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How to Cite

Novita Chirstine, & Dirma Wati. (2024). Examining the Impact of Intellectual Capital on Corporate Financial Performance: An Empirical Study of LQ-45 Index Listed Companies (2018-2019). Proceeding ICEBFG, 3(1). Retrieved from https://proceedingconference.ubl.ac.id/index.php/icebfg/article/view/35