Utilizing ANOVA to Evaluate Creative Economy Product Marketing: Insights from the School Data Board


  • Dwi Herinanto
  • Gustop Amatiria Universitas Bandar Lampung
  • Yenny Marthalena Universitas Bandar Lampung
  • Ardansyah Ardansyah Universitas Bandar Lampung
  • Ida Farida Universitas Bandar Lampung


forecasting; anova; strategies; marketing; creative economy


  1. Samudra Karya Sejahtera is the sole entity in the Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Province, specializing in convection and printing, and also serves as a distributor of school data boards for various educational levels. This study aims to employ analysis of variance (ANOVA), forecasting analysis, and multiple regression analysis to assist CV. SKS in sales planning, inventory management, resource allocation, and strategic decision-making. Conducted from January 10 to February 10, 2024, this quantitative research evaluates the relationships between variables, tests hypotheses, and generates generalizations using primary data obtained from the company. The ANOVA results indicate that sales performance across the marketing areas of Pringsewu, Pesawaran, Tanggamus, and Lampung Tengah is uniformly profitable. Regression analysis reveals that the price variable does not significantly impact sales of creative economy products. However, both price and promotional cost variables together explain 88.1% of the variance in school data board sales. The multiple regression model is expressed as , where X1 represents the price and X2 denotes promotional costs. Forecasting using the model predicts a sales volume of 639 units for 2024.


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How to Cite

Herinanto, D., Amatiria, G., Marthalena, Y., Ardansyah, A., & Farida, I. (2024). Utilizing ANOVA to Evaluate Creative Economy Product Marketing: Insights from the School Data Board. Proceeding ICEBFG, 5(1), 37–51. Retrieved from https://proceedingconference.ubl.ac.id/index.php/icebfg/article/view/88