Literature Review: High-Performance Work Systems and Their Impact on Employee Performance
High-Performance Work System (HPWS), Employee Performance, Study literature.Abstract
There is a lot of literature that states that the High-Performance Work System (HPWS) can affect employee performance, but it is also found that HPWS has no impact on employee performance, the differences in the results of this study are important to analyze because the HPWS variable indicators used must also have differences. Therefore, this literature study was conducted with the aim of explaining again what HPWS indicators tautologically have HPWS influence on employee performance, while the contribution of this research is as a reference material for the business world in an effort to improve employee performance. The method used in this research is Library Research, the results of this study, it was found that there are eleven (11) indicators of the High-Performance Work System variable that Tautology affects Employee Performance, besides that there are eleven (11) indicators of the HPWS variable that are rejected, in this study, researchers did not investigate too deeply related to differences in objects and/or types of objects studied and this can be a consideration for further research in order to pay attention to the object of research and the use of indicators of the HPWS variable.
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