Enhancing Service Quality in Publishing Environmental Documents at the Tulang Bawang West District Environmental Office
Quality, Service, and Environmental DocumentsAbstract
The aim of this research is to find out the quality of service in publishing environmental documents at the West Tulang Bawang Regency Environmental Service and the obstacles in its implementation. This type of research is qualitative with a descriptive method with data sources being primary data and secondary data. Data analysis involves answering and explaining research indicators. The indicators used are from Zeithmal, namely Tangible (physical evidence), Reability (reliability), Responsiveness (responsiveness), Assurance (guarantee), and Emphaty (empathy). The results of the research show that the quality of service in issuing environmental documents at the West Tulang Bawang Regency Environmental Service is good, seen from tangible indicators that have fulfilled the wishes of service users, reliability that officers have mastered their work, responsiveness that officers have responded quickly in providing services to the community, assurance that Service users feel safe regarding the data provided, as well as empathy that officers have implemented it in accordance with the wishes of the community as service users. To realize good service quality, the West Tulanng Bawang Regency Environmental Service can do several things, namely as follows: help service users get their needs, be able to provide solutions, provide complaint services, provide fast and accurate service and accept criticism and suggestions .
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