Evaluating the Effects of Work Motivation and Discipline on Employee Performance in the PSDA Department of Water Resources Management, Lampung Province
employee performance, work motivation, work discipline, public sector, organizational effectivenessAbstract
Employee performance is crucial for determining organizational productivity, especially within public sector organizations like the Lampung Province Water Resources Management (PSDA) Department. Recent observations have revealed a decline in employee performance, potentially linked to various factors, including work motivation and work discipline. This study investigates the combined effects of work motivation and discipline on employee performance at the PSDA Department. The research confirms that both factors significantly influence performance, with a combined contribution of 51.1%. Regression analysis shows that work motivation and work discipline have significant positive effects, with regression coefficients of 0.451 and 0.54, respectively. The study highlights the importance of fostering a motivated and disciplined workforce to enhance performance and organizational effectiveness. Future research should explore additional factors influencing employee performance to provide a more comprehensive understanding.
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