Exploring the Impact of Company Scale, Financial Health, and Debt Structure on Corporate Performance: A Case Study of Consumer Goods Industry Firms Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2019
Millennials, Generation Z, tourism trends, digital innovation, sustainabilityAbstract
Millennials and Generation Z are reshaping tourism trends and creative industries through their distinct preferences and technological proficiency. This study investigates how these generations prioritize unique and authentic experiences, such as adventure, cultural, and ecotourism, and how their active use of digital platforms drives industry adaptation. The research highlights their role as key catalysts for innovation in the creative sector, spurring the development of new business models that leverage digital technology, including e-commerce, online education, and influencer marketing. The findings emphasize the need for the tourism and creative sectors to align with the evolving preferences of these generations by integrating sustainability and culturally authentic innovations into their strategies. Future research should focus on exploring further integration of indigenous knowledge and enhancing digital engagement to better meet the demands of Millennials and Gen Z.
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